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Queen Size Mattresses - from $136

What is a Queen Mattress?

Queen Size Mattresses are 60" wide by 78" long (Their length may also be shown as 79.5" or 80"). Queen size mattresses are one of the most popular mattress sizes and are best for an adult couple sleeping in the same bed. A queen size mattress gives you enough length and width in a bed in order to move comfortable during the night. Our queen size mattresses range anywhere from 5.5" thick to 20" thick.  

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Queen Size Mattresses

Queen Size Mattresses are 60" wide by 78" long (Their length may also be shown as 79.5" or 80"). Queen size mattresses are one of the most popular mattress sizes and are best for an adult couple sleeping in the same bed. A queen size mattress gives you enough length and width in a bed in order to move comfortable during the night. Our queen size mattresses range anywhere from 5.5" thick to 20" thick.

What Size is a Queen Mattress?

A Queen Size Mattress is 60" x 78".
You may also find a Queen size mattress listed as 79.5" in length, or 80" in length. Any one of these sizes are common to a Queen size mattress and are considered a "standard" measurement. The differences in sizes are manufacturer dependent and simply allow for bedding to be placed beside the bed. A Queen size mattress is best suited for an adult couple, especially if one of the adults is near 6 feet in height. If you are a couple considering a double size mattress, you will want to make sure no one is taller than 6 feet. Many older homes (especially war time homes) were not designed to fit a queen size mattress, so you will want to measure your house to make sure a queen mattress will fit in your bedroom. Another thing to consider is whether the queen mattress will be able to go through your house leading up to your bedroom as you move it in. Often the queen mattress will flex and fit, however the boxspring is rigid and inflexible. You may end up needing a queen split boxspring.

What size is Queen Mattress in cm?

A Queen Size Mattress is 60" x 78", or in metric 152cm x 198cm. If you are taking a measurement, don't worry often measuring a mattress isn't perfect you may be off by a centimeter or two.  

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